Friday, July 23, 2010

The Way I See It

This is my first BLOG. I'm retired , I wanted peace and quiet, no phone, no computer, no TV, yeah right.
I'm more pissed off now than I was when I was working. Now I want to share my misery with everyone else that has noting better to do than read someone else's blog.
All I read about is the friggin oil leak in the Gulf. The Gulf is a third the size of the U.S , the leak is a pinhole in comparison, and I, have to worry about it. these people in the Bayou have been screwed
for the past four or five years and I live up north, Why ME! Get these nitwits that are suppose to REPRESENT you...US... out of DC..Its their job to make sure your livelyhood is protected from their interests...We need health care and these morons are offering us broken solutions. Crime is out of control but the top debate is Gun Control, We have GUN CONTROL, everyone who buys a gun these days is either fingerprinted,and/ or registered somewhere, with clean backrounds,THE THUGS that have the ILLEGAL GUNS are the ones we need to take control of.....
Welfare... you should not be driving a Lexus or BMW if you have a Benefits Card. We need to take back the USA that "THE GREATEST GENERATION" Built for us. God Save America!!!

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